It's A Man's World
This is the world of a man. This is the world of a man. But it would be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl. Brown --James
For the success of puberty, I realized that the world belonged to men and that I was just an actor in a drama patriarchal centuries old. Everywhere, that 12 years meant that the media --- TV, books, movies --- men took care of and take steps to conduct a breathless intrigue and adventure life secret agents, police, security guards and athletes professionals. Some women were too, but in these early years of the feminist movement were clearly in the background, in the weakness of the hanger with the same status as women made the favorite targets of the wicked and girls of male heroes were forced to rescue distress. These girls bother me. Same sex, even if we were, I just could not relate to them. Instead, I idolized guys and it was easy to pretend I'm one of the boys to the intrusion of my period. In the first blood sample, I understand what it meant to really be a woman: the cruel limitations of my physical freedom; stay instead of transcendence; being chained to all the boring, tedious and unpleasant duties of women's work is never done.
Even now, as I have installed in my role or female, I struggle with penis envy that characterizes my teens live vicariously through male heroes of cinema, literature and life really sometimes. Not much of an option for a fan of the pop culture of life. White men run the media and therefore the heroes represented by accounting viewpoint white man and all the fantasies and desires that accompany them. Fortunately, over the decades, the stories that spread across the landscape of pop culture began to change. Women have begun to share their stories and more interesting roles, but not much and even less for women of color.
As a teenager charged with the media created primarily by and for men, I strongly identified with men. I ogled the girls with them, I decided to sporting events, and I identified with its idiosyncrasies revilement women and plaintive hell that women want to challenge? Good question. At least some of us would have wanted to be men, but only when the line to the ladies' room is too long.
What it would be like to openly and freely enjoy their sexual appetite without having to worry about his reputation, being damn shame, or having to endure the terrible fear of pregnancy?
How do you feel to be able to age with dignity? To experience the whole process before the eyes of all let his hair turn a silver medal in dignity and wrinkles leaving (admired as character lines men) accumulate, mapping your route experience? So many women are expelled from leading media functions, once they reach a certain age and are replaced by young sweet eyes in an attempt must be supposed to attract a male audience.
How wonderful it would be still considered attractive to the opposite sex, if not more, than they were in their nubile youth? Would it not be wonderful to be appreciated by your spirit and accomplishments rather than your outer self? These are the gifts of men in a world dominated by them, a world that no matter what social victories of women can achieve biology dictates that we remain faithful companion of man, his co-star, Robin to his Batman . I think Freud was half right. Not that we girls penis envy, but the freedoms that come with having one.
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