Plus Size: Where Fat Is Fine

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        In Western countries the general view is that all women want to be thin and everyone who is overweight is interested in dieting and taking up the latest popular weight reducing system. Fortunes are spent on special foods and exercise regimes in an attempt to lose a few kilograms and conform to the dimensions of the latest top model. Much effort goes into designing clothes to flatter the form that does not yet fit that slender silhouette. However, over large parts of the world, fat is viewed in a In Western countries the general view is that all women want to be thin and everyone much more positive light. In parts of Asia and most of Africa, fat is welcomed as a sign of growing affluence.

      Obesity is said to be a major health concern in the USA and other western countries. In these wealthy communities much money is spent on relatively cheap food and the amount consumed far exceeds the human being's basic requirements. At the same time, in the poorer countries of the world, many people find it hard to get enough food to eat and thinness is the norm. Anyone who manages to gather more wealth begins to put on weight. They are told by their friends that they are looking fine, which is a euphemism for saying they are looking wealthy. Rich men and women proudly display their wealth by their bulging stomachs and waddling gait.

     In steadily prospering African countries such as Ghana, very little extra nourishment seems to be needed to provoke a rapid expansion of female dimensions. Rising living standards have made a rotund form the standard to which all seem to aspire. This is most clearly seen at the gatherings at Saturday funerals, where bevies of voluptuous beauties display in all their finery as they dance with minimal effort to the latest highlife tunes. With no talk of slimming diets and no evidence of curve-concealing attire, the maids and matrons in mourning express their joy of living by proudly bumping all and sundry with their well-padded buttocks, in a special dance that could well be dedicated to the glory of plus size.

     In the post-colonial era the advanced countries have continued to assist less developed countries to modernise their economies and create more affluent lives for their people. One consequence of growing affluence is an expanding waistline. It would seem that the recently poor have adopted a better psychological approach to this phenomenon than those who have long been rich. One must hope that growing familiarity does not breed the proverbial contempt for fat is fine, and that something of this happy acceptance can filter back to where it has long been forgotten.

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Active and Workout Clothes for Women Who Are Obese


       Whether we are slim or obese, we are always conscious of our body which pushes us to go to the Gym.  
       Slim women go to the gym to keep their bodies toned and women who are obese go to shed their calories.
       While hitting the gym, obese women may find people who are slim flaunting their hour glass figures, but it should not stop you from working out confidently. Here is a guide for everyone out there who does not have a perfect figure as yet but are in the process to achieve one.

What kind of size should you choose?

       Women who are obese may often see people having toned figure wearing athletic gym outfits, with racer back or even wearing the hot sweat pants, but do not be demoralized. There are clothes to complement your body as well. Choose the right size at first. Buy the size of the clothes which are neither too loose nor very tight. It should be tight enough to give your body a support, save from the rolling down of sweat, and it should be loose enough to give your hands and legs enough freedom to be stretched.

What kind of material should you choose?

      The more you sweat the more calories you burn. So, the best choice to wear while working out is cotton clothes. The famous brands have their line of gym outfits for obese people and it is always the best option to splurge a little into it. Cotton absorbs the sweat from your body and lets the skin breath. Synthetic clothes are best to be avoided as they do not absorb your sweat, and may lead to the break out of rashes. It can make your body slippery also due to the excessive sweat secreted from your body.

What kind of inners should you wear?

      There are several racer back tops available for workout in a gym, but when it comes to obese women; it is not their cup of tea. But should that stop you from wearing cool shirts? Never! Indulge yourselves in a good quality bra that will keep your breasts tight. It should be well protected and should prevent from bouncing. Choose the right size and get hold of a few sports bras for that. And Voila! Wearing them, you can wear any kind of cool shirts with a quirky tag line to hit the gym.

What type of clothes should you wear?

     If you are obese, avoid wearing sleeveless or full sleeves to the gym. Half sleeves are the best to wear which will not stop you from stretching your arms. For the pants, there are many sweat pants available in the leading branded stores for plus sized women as well, but it is advisable to choose wisely while buying. Try to choose the pants which are not too short. Keep the length from knee to anywhere up to fully covering your leg.

     Thus, these are the few points to help you hit the gym wearing the appropriate clothes and work out confidently. Most importantly, do not compromise with your comfort as they are the key to a slimmer figure! Happy Exercising!

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What You Should Know About Women's Plus Size Swimwear

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            The most important thing you should know about women's plus size swimwear is that everyone can feel comfortable and special when they step out into the sun and have a splash in the water at a swimming pool or at the beach. There are no boundaries and designers are working hard to create designs that are fashionable, fun and flattering for your figure.

          Swimming costumes for those who are curvy, bigger busted, wider hipped, with a problem tummy area and so on, can definitely be found without too much trouble these days. The online world has opened up so many opportunities for women, especially those that are not comfortable when it comes to shopping and trying things on in the change rooms.

         There is often nothing more humiliating and frustrating than being in a fitting room getting all hot and sweaty trying one thing on after another and leaving the store sad and empty handed. Local shops or department stores only give you limited choices for women's plus size swimwear, especially it happens all too often and this is particularly sad when there actually are some fabulous options for full figured women, you just need to know where to look and start doing some research of your own.

         If you are someone who has experienced the scenario above and stay away from the stores and the dreaded change rooms, consider shopping for the perfect swimsuit online. You will be able to compare many different beach wear websites at your own comfort zone; the first thing is to look for a good website which provides beautiful styles besides giving some styling tips and tricks that will help you find a perfect swimwear for your shape which will make you look fabulous.

        Find clever ideas such as use colors or prints to help camouflage trouble spots and also discover the types of materials used in the creation of swimwear that will help to flatten and smooth out trouble spots on the body.

        How this fabric is worked with can also make a big difference when it comes to the creation of a flattering design. Ruching in particular is a design element that is fabulous for curvy women around the tummy area to make it appear smaller.

       Not everyone is comfortable with the idea of purchasing an item like a swimsuit online; however you could find it to be the most easy and rewarding way to find the exact design you have been searching for. Always read terms and conditions carefully, plus, ensure you purchase from a reputable seller and designer by reading their websites reviews.

      Once you have done a good research on women's plus size swimwear and have found bathers that suit your style and shape, you will be ready to enjoy all outdoor activities under the warmer weather. It is time to step outside with confidence, jump in the pool with the kids and be happy with your curvaceous body and your choices. The curvy figure of a real woman in beautiful bathers will cause admired eyes to turn towards her and the once a plus size mom who preferred to stay indoors now will turn into a nice looking lady at the beach.

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Weight Lifting for Women - Get Those Sexy Curves!

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If You're a Women Who Wants to Change Your Body, You NEED to Lift Weights

        Weight lifting has long been the preferred method amongst men to build lean muscle mass, help burn additional calories and change their bodies from flabby and smooth, to chiseled and toned, but for whatever reason, women have often avoided the weights and stuck primarily to cardiovascular exercise.

       While cardio is effective for burning calories and reducing body fat (which is very important for developing muscle definition), it doesn't help with building lean muscle mass. In fact, most of the steady state cardio performed is actually very catabolic. In other words, it promotes muscle degradation. This is why many people who perform a lot of steady state cardio find it very difficult to get the muscle definition they want.

       People often think of this as looking "skinny" but not "fit."
       So, how do you get toned, defined and looking fit? You add resistance training to your exercise regimen! There are a lot of myths out there regarding lifting weights, especially related to women, so the rest of this article is going to talk about some of these misconceptions and what you need to do to change your body.

Misconception #1 - Women Will Get Big and Bulky from Lifting Weights

      When it comes to lifting weights, the goal is to build lean-muscle mass to increase muscle definition. While resistance training does burn calories, especially if you utilize supersets, compound sets, and Tri-Sets (more on that later), its primary function is to challenge the muscles in your body enough to make them grow.
The process of muscle growth (aka hypertrophy) is a complicated one, but one of the primary hormonal factors is testosterone. Testosterone is much of the reason why weight lifting affects men so much more than women. Normal testosterone levels in men are 200-1200 ng/dl while 15-70 ng/dl are normal in women. This difference is the reason women simply cannot bulk the same way that men do, no matter how they train.

      Even in men with the highest levels of testosterone, it still takes years of intense, strict training and precise dieting to achieve the muscle mass you see in many male bodybuilders. Considering that, when it comes to women with average levels of testosterone, there is literally no chance of them ever getting close to that size.
You may have seen female bodybuilders on TV or in magazines with large, bulky muscles. These women are likely taking some form of testosterone or anabolic steroid. Side effects of these drugs can be seen relatively easily and include deepening of the voice, redistribution of fat storage to a male pattern, hair of the face and chest, among others.

Truth #1 - Women Will See Improved Muscle Definition from Lifting Weights

       Women won't see the same bulking effects men do from weight lifting, however, that doesn't mean they won't see increases in strength and muscle definition. In fact, the BEST way to get that fit, toned look is to lift weights, more specifically, HEAVY weights.

      There are numerous research studies that show women who lift heavy weight during compound, multi-joint exercises show impressive improvements in muscle definition and strength, in addition to numerous other health benefits such as improved bone density, and lowers risks for metabolic syndrome. In other words, if you want more curves, put down the 5lb dumbbell, stop working with 20+ reps and start lifting heavy. Here are few excerpts that talk about this:
"A June 2013 study published in the journal Diabetes, both men and women became more insulin sensitive after 12 weeks of strength training, decreasing their risk of getting type 2 diabetes."
"In one study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, women who lifted more weight for fewer reps burned nearly twice as many calories during the two hours after their workout than when they did more reps with a lighter weight."

     "The University of Alabama study found that the women who lifted weights lost more intra-abdominal fat (deep belly fat) than those who just did cardio. This not only helps you lose your belly pooch and look better in a bikini, but it also lessens your risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some cancers."
What qualifies as "heavy" weight? Generally, any exercise you can't perform more than 12 repetitions of is a good place to start. As you build muscle and get more comfortable with the weight, you can start to mix in heavier weight with 4-8 reps as well.

What Are The Best Exercises for Developing Those Curves?

      Developing a fit-looking physique takes a combination of resistance training, calorie burning, and nutrition. When it comes to changing from flabby and smooth to lean and defined, male or female doesn't make a difference. You should be doing a lot of compound, multi-joint exercises with heavy weight. As always, form is priority number one, especially as you lift heavier and heavier. The sloppier your form gets, the less effective any exercise will be, and the higher your risk for injury will be.

      Resistance training takes many forms including machines, dumbbells, barbells and many others. To stimulate change as quickly as possible, you want stimulate as many muscle fibers as possible. This is done by incorporating those multi-joint exercises we talked about earlier. Here a few of some must-do compound exercises that will help develop that lean muscle mass:


    The deadlift is a full body exercise that hits a ton of muscles including lats, traps, quads, glutes, hamstrings, abs and more. You can safely lift a lot of weight when performing a deadlift, so it's a great exercise to recruit muscle fibers and build fat-free muscle mass. Deadlifts are a must for a well-developed body.


    Do you want nice, toned legs and tight glutes? Then you need to be doing squats. Squats, more specifically barbell squats, are probably the best exercise for overall leg development. They target the entire upper leg including quads, glutes, and hamstrings. They also effectively strengthen the lower back. If you're skipping squats then you're missing out on some serious muscle definition.

Chest Press

    The chest press is another great compound exercise that works a lot of the upper body muscles including chest, triceps and deltoids. It also works the core. The chest press is a key exercise for developing good upper body strength.

Pull Ups

    Pull Ups are one of the most important exercises for developing strength. They also hit the lats, rear delts and biceps to give your upper back and arms some serious definition. If bodyweight pull-ups aren't possible yet, try an assisted pull-up machine, or use bands under your feet for help.


     Like the squat, lunges are another quality compound exercise that will turn your legs and butt from smooth to toned and tight. Lunges can be done with body weight to start and heavier weight as you progress.
For a 4 week, weight lifting program that will take from you from skinny to fit.

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3 Things You Should Avoid Wearing During a Workout

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       Going to the gym can seem like a fashion show for some. Others, often under dress. Of course, the right way is to dress up according to what is called for by the workout. Also, before heading to the nearest gym, keep in mind these 3 things you should avoid during a workout.

Cotton clothes

       Cotton is one of the most commonly used fabrics in manufacturing clothing. Comfy and cool, a lot of people prefer to wear cotton clothes. But when it comes to workouts, its best to avoid cotton clothing, especially when its 100 percent cotton. Why the lack of love for cotton? Well, while it's a great option for lifestyle wear, its sweat-absorbing properties make it a disastrous choice for workout clothing.

        Cotton effectively absorbs moisture, which includes sweat when you wear it at the gym. It soaks it up. But that's not all. Wet cotton clothing takes some time to dry. The likely scenario will be, besides being soaked, you can experience skin irritation and increase the possibility of chaffing. You can also be prone to chills and that uncomfortable feeling that you're being weighed down by your damp clothes.

        To avoid all of this, choose specialized synthetic clothing. Marketed as technical wear, these type of clothing has special fabrics which are designed to wick away sweat and moisture away from your skin. It allows you to be more comfortable since you won't be soaked in sweat. You'll be cooled off, but not to the point where you'll get the chills, since the clothes will let moisture evaporate in front of the fabric and not on your skin.

       Some sports brands, like Reebok, carry technical wear. If you're going to look for these type of Reebok clothes, search for a reputable online shop. That way you can browse through their collection without even leaving your home.

Jewelry and other accessories

      Some still wear their jewelry and other accessories when they do workouts. This can be a bit dangerous, especially when the things they wear dangle. It's not just because you may lose your valuable or they can get damaged. Jewelry or accessories can get caught in equipment, clothes and even gear and cause accidents.   

      So leave your bling at home. If you have a locker in the gym, you can safely keep it there, as well.
Worn out or wrong shoes
You will need a solid base when you're working out, especially when doing strength training exercises.

      Traction is also important to prevent slips. Both can be difficult to do when your shoes have seen better days. Check your old shoes if the outsoles still provide a good grip. Look for any damage. Inspect if the midsoles can give enough cushioning and support, as well. Remember that good shoes promote not only stability but good form while training. It's best to part with your old shoes if it can no longer give you optimal performance.
       If you're buying a new pair, Reebok is a good choice. The brand specifically designs shoes to withstand the rigors of workouts, because of its CrossFit ties. Despite designing durable shoes, Reebok footwear remains lightweight and flexible so it complements your workout, not restricts it. Its shoes also provide excellent grip and foot support. Keeping your feet stable and safe, no matter how difficult or rugged the workout. Again, a quick browse at a trusted online shop can help you search for Reebok shoes. Once you do visit an online shop, check out if there's a Reebok sale to help you save on your purchases.

       With these tips, there's no doubt you'll feel more comfortable during your workout. More importantly, you'll perform better and be a lot safer.

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It's A Man's World

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     This is the world of a man. This is the world of a man. But it would be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl. Brown --James

     For the success of puberty, I realized that the world belonged to men and that I was just an actor in a drama patriarchal centuries old. Everywhere, that 12 years meant that the media --- TV, books, movies --- men took care of and take steps to conduct a breathless intrigue and adventure life secret agents, police, security guards and athletes professionals. Some women were too, but in these early years of the feminist movement were clearly in the background, in the weakness of the hanger with the same status as women made the favorite targets of the wicked and girls of male heroes were forced to rescue distress. These girls bother me. Same sex, even if we were, I just could not relate to them. Instead, I idolized guys and it was easy to pretend I'm one of the boys to the intrusion of my period. In the first blood sample, I understand what it meant to really be a woman: the cruel limitations of my physical freedom; stay instead of transcendence; being chained to all the boring, tedious and unpleasant duties of women's work is never done.

     Even now, as I have installed in my role or female, I struggle with penis envy that characterizes my teens live vicariously through male heroes of cinema, literature and life really sometimes. Not much of an option for a fan of the pop culture of life. White men run the media and therefore the heroes represented by accounting viewpoint white man and all the fantasies and desires that accompany them. Fortunately, over the decades, the stories that spread across the landscape of pop culture began to change. Women have begun to share their stories and more interesting roles, but not much and even less for women of color.

      As a teenager charged with the media created primarily by and for men, I strongly identified with men. I ogled the girls with them, I decided to sporting events, and I identified with its idiosyncrasies revilement women and plaintive hell that women want to challenge? Good question. At least some of us would have wanted to be men, but only when the line to the ladies' room is too long.

      What it would be like to openly and freely enjoy their sexual appetite without having to worry about his reputation, being damn shame, or having to endure the terrible fear of pregnancy?

     How do you feel to be able to age with dignity? To experience the whole process before the eyes of all let his hair turn a silver medal in dignity and wrinkles leaving (admired as character lines men) accumulate, mapping your route experience? So many women are expelled from leading media functions, once they reach a certain age and are replaced by young sweet eyes in an attempt must be supposed to attract a male audience.

      How wonderful it would be still considered attractive to the opposite sex, if not more, than they were in their nubile youth? Would it not be wonderful to be appreciated by your spirit and accomplishments rather than your outer self? These are the gifts of men in a world dominated by them, a world that no matter what social victories of women can achieve biology dictates that we remain faithful companion of man, his co-star, Robin to his Batman . I think Freud was half right. Not that we girls penis envy, but the freedoms that come with having one.

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A married woman\\\'s secret sex journal

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        A married woman anonymously takes us through, step by step, her daily double life. Cindy Hawkins (not her real name) is a cheater. Take a look into the real life of a married woman with a devoted husband, and her shameless cheating.

        Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing the spin tingling results of the completed surveys from members of our online dating site. Respondents include singles and married people who have made choices to turn their fantasies into realities.
It's Monday morning, the time is 730am, and at last the long and mundane weekend is over. Cindy lies awake gazing at the ceiling for about 10 minutes before impatiently sliding out from under her husbands embrace.

       Yes, I cheat on my husband in a calculating and deceptive way and will say or do anything to avoid suspicion. Go ahead, judge me if you will, I know you've thought about cheating too. Flirting with men was about as far as I would take things, I thought I would always be strong enough to know when not to cross the line, and return home like a good little wife, until I was introduced to someone at work and realized an instant chemical connection...

       The affair started in the office kitchen when we would both go to make coffee each morning. Things intensified with a few naughty emails, followed by cocktails after work on several occasions.
      Twice a week - Monday and Wednesday at 630pm after work, we meet at a cheap motel on the highway just outside of town, my skin quivers as I drive to the motel. As I collect the room key, my heart pounds through my chest. There is something so pleasurably unproblematic about simmering life's procedures down to pure physicality. Our sex is nasty and frantic, and I am happy to risk being found out. His torso is alien to me, so different, so strong. The name of his wife tattooed on his chest is even more exhilarating knowing it's not just me completely throwing caution to the wind.

       My husband is pretty out of touch with reality and would never suspect me of acting in such a trampish manner. Simple excuses like, going out with the girls, or working back late is all it takes to secure a couple of hours of betrayal. As I arrive home, my husband is often hoping to make love, but I don't feel ashamed, perhaps when it's all over I will.

       Apart from our twice a week hotel meets, sex at work is the only other feasible option. This is very convenient for me as I can easily make it home from work on time without tripping any suspicion detectors.    The last thing anyone would suspect is for me to be doing it on my hands and knees on the grey commercial carpet tiles at 1130am in a locked office. It's like a ritual, the first thing he does is bends me over his desk, (my underwear already removed when driving to work) I have become his office whore, but keeping my full body orgasms quiet is the biggest challenge.

      Everything has become too erotic, I am smart enough to know when to call it a day, a secret of such proportion is too large to sweep under the carpet. I am becoming too focused on him and the sex, it occurs to me the grand scheme of damage this could have ( and probably already has) on my other life. The secret hot emails, the dangerous stares and groping must stop...
     I decide to quit my job without any noticeFree Reprint Articles, and cancel my secret email account.

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What it Takes to be One of the Fastest Woman in the World

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          Sport activities, no matter what nature, are always a great way to pump up the energy. Research shows that children who are more involved with sports activities are more likely to beat corpulence than...         

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